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Status Code


Displays the last known status code and/or the reason that the last command failed.

Sample Configurationโ€‹

"type": "status",
"style": "diamond",
"foreground": "#ffffff",
"background": "#00897b",
"background_templates": [
"{{ if .Error }}#e91e63{{ end }}"
"trailing_diamond": "๎‚ด",
"template": "<#193549>๎‚ฐ</> ๎ˆบ ",
"properties": {
"always_enabled": true


always_enabledbooleanfalsealways show the status
status_templatestring{{ .Code }}template used to render an individual status code
status_separatorstring|used to separate multiple statuses when $PIPESTATUS is available

Template (info)โ€‹

default template
{{ .String }}


.Codenumberthe last known exit code (command or pipestatus)
.Stringstringthe formatted status codes using status_template and status_separator
.Errorbooleantrue if one of the commands has an error (validates on command status and pipestatus)

Status Templateโ€‹

When using status_template, use if eq .Code 0 to check for a successful exit code. The .Error property is used on a global context and will not necessarily indicate that the current validated code is a non-zero value.

{{ if eq .Code 0 }}\uf00c{{ else }}\uf071{{ end }}

In case you want the reason for the exit code instead of code itself, you can use the reason function:

{{ if eq .Code 0 }}\uf00c{{ else }}\uf071 {{ reason .Code }}{{ end }}