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Display the currently active Lua or LuaJIT version.

Sample Configuration

"type": "lua",
"style": "powerline",
"powerline_symbol": "",
"foreground": "white",
"background": "blue",
"template": "  {{ .Full }} "


home_enabledbooleanfalsedisplay the segment in the HOME folder or not
fetch_versionbooleantruefetch the lua version
missing_command_textstringtext to display when the command is missing
  • always: the segment is always displayed
  • files: the segment is only displayed when file extensions listed are present
  • context: displays the segment when the environment or files is active
version_url_templatestringa go text/template template that creates the URL of the version info / release notes
preferred_executablestringluathe preferred executable to use when fetching the version
  • lua: the Lua executable (default)
  • luajit: the LuaJIT executable
extensions[]string*.lua, *.rockspecallows to override the default list of file extensions to validate
folders[]stringallows to override the list of folder names to validate
cache_versionbooleanfalsecache the executable's version or not

Template (info)

default template
{{ if .Error }}{{ .Error }}{{ else }}{{ .Full }}{{ end }}


.Fullstringthe full version
.Majorstringmajor number
.Minorstringminor number
.Patchstringpatch number
.URLstringURL of the version info / release notes
.Errorstringerror encountered when fetching the version string
.Executablestringthe executable used to fetch the version