Open Weather Map
Shows the current weather of a given location with Open Weather Map.
You must request an API key at the Open Weather Map website. The free tier for Current weather and forecasts collection is sufficient.
Sample Configuration
- json
- yaml
- toml
"type": "owm",
"style": "powerline",
"powerline_symbol": "",
"foreground": "#ffffff",
"background": "#FF0000",
"template": "{{.Weather}} ({{.Temperature}}{{.UnitIcon}})",
"properties": {
"api_key": "<YOUR_API_KEY>",
"location": "AMSTERDAM,NL",
"units": "metric",
"http_timeout": 20
type: owm
style: powerline
foreground: "#ffffff"
background: "#FF0000"
template: "{{.Weather}} ({{.Temperature}}{{.UnitIcon}})"
api_key: <YOUR_API_KEY>
location: AMSTERDAM,NL
units: metric
http_timeout: 20
type = "owm"
style = "powerline"
powerline_symbol = ""
foreground = "#ffffff"
background = "#FF0000"
template = "{{.Weather}} ({{.Temperature}}{{.UnitIcon}})"
api_key = "<YOUR_API_KEY>"
location = "AMSTERDAM,NL"
units = "metric"
http_timeout = 20
Name | Type | Default | Description |
api_key | string | . | Your API key from Open Weather Map. Can also be set using the POSH_OWM_API_KEY environment variable |
location | string | De Bilt,NL | The requested location interpreted only if valid coordinates aren't given. Formatted as <City,STATE,COUNTRY_CODE>. City name, state code and country code divided by comma. Please, refer to ISO 3166 for the state codes or country codes . Can also be set using the POSH_OWM_LOCATION environment variable |
units | string | standard | Units of measurement. Available values are standard (kelvin), metric (celsius), and imperial (fahrenheit) |
http_timeout | int | 20 | in milliseconds, the timeout for http request |
Template (info)
default template
{{ .Weather }} ({{ .Temperature }}{{ .UnitIcon }})
Name | Type | Description |
.Weather | string | the current weather icon |
.Temperature | int | the current temperature |
.UnitIcon | string | the current unit icon(based on units property) |
.URL | string | the url of the current api call |