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Display OS specific info - defaults to Icon.

Sample Configuration

"type": "os",
"style": "plain",
"foreground": "#26C6DA",
"background": "#546E7A",
"template": " {{ if .WSL }}WSL at {{ end }}{{.Icon}}",
"properties": {
"macos": "mac"


macosstring\uF179the string to use for macOS
linuxstring\uF17Cthe icon to use for Linux
windowsstring\uE62Athe icon to use for Windows
display_distro_namebooleanfalsedisplay the distro name instead of icon for Linux or WSL
almastring\uF31Dthe icon to use for AlmaLinux OS
almalinuxstring\uF31Dthe icon to use for AlmaLinux OS
almalinux9string\uF31Dthe icon to use for AlmaLinux OS 9
alpinestring\uF300the icon to use for Alpine Linux
androidstring\uF17bthe icon to use for Android
aoscstring\uF301the icon to use for AOSC OS
archstring\uF303the icon to use for Arch Linux
centosstring\uF304the icon to use for CentOS
coreosstring\uF305the icon to use for CoreOS Container Linux
debianstring\uF306the icon to use for Debian
deepinstring\uF321the icon to use for deepin
devuanstring\uF307the icon to use for Devuan GNU+Linux
elementarystring\uF309the icon to use for elementary OS
endeavourosstring\uF322the icon to use for EndeavourOS
fedorastring\uF30athe icon to use for Fedora
gentoostring\uF30dthe icon to use for Gentoo Linux
mageiastring\uF310the icon to use for Mageia
manjarostring\uF312the icon to use for Manjaro Linux
mintstring\uF30ethe icon to use for Linux Mint
nixosstring\uF313the icon to use for NixOS
opensusestring\uF314the icon to use for openSUSE
opensuse-tumbleweedstring\uF314the icon to use for openSUSE Tumbleweed
raspbianstring\uF315the icon to use for Raspberry Pi OS (Raspbian)
redhatstring\uF316the icon to use for Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL)
rockystring\uF32Bthe icon to use for Rocky Linux
sabayonstring\uF317the icon to use for Sabayon
slackwarestring\uF319the icon to use for Slackware Linux
ubuntustring\uF31bthe icon to use for Ubuntu

Template (info)

default template
{{ if .WSL }}WSL at {{ end }}{{.Icon}}


.Iconstringthe OS icon